
Sometimes we just say things. But because that name was taken, now we have this site to tie us over and explain our thoughts without interruption. Enjoy...or don't I suppose.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Hodgepodge

It's Valentine's Day and that means a few things;

1. Queer Eye for the Straight Guy marathon on Bravo
2. Your girl will make you watch The Bachelor
3. If you are a girl, you received flowers because your gentleman is 'original'
4. Single people hang out with other single people so they don't have to be by themselves

What did I do on Valentine's Day you ask? None of the above. I fully intended on being productive and going to the gym, updating the blog, and meeting up with a few friends. In lieu of anything productive, I made myself a sandwich, sat on the couch, fell asleep and woke up at 9:30 to this. What's confusing is before WWE RAW kicked off, the Westminster Dog Show was on and I know for a fact I did not watch it. Needless to say it's been a confusing night. It's almost as confusing as the time I dreamt I was in Mario Kart. Or when I found out Justin Beiber and Oklahoma State football coach use each other as ring tones. Or why ESPN would put a camera on both Frank Martin and Bill Self for the KU/KSU game and keep the split screen on for the duration of the game. All very defining moments of confusion. A couple of quick updates to clear up any of your confusion -I am in the process of getting price quotes on T-shirts for The Creepers, be sure to pledge your allegiance and you'll receive one of the first ones off the line. Thanks again for wasting your time reading Sometimes I Talk Out Loud. Sooner or later, I'll have a contest and a giveaway associated with said t-shirts. More updates to come.

Since it is Valentine's Day, I suppose I'll let you in on a little story of love - brotherly love. Lately it seems that anytime Chad or myself are around one another, we punch each other in the ribs. Not just a love tap, but a full punch. I'm sure he'll tell you that that I started it which is probably true but it's escalated now and I'm not sure how to bring it down a notch. I'm a habitual napper which leaves me prone on the couch. Last Sunday, I was asleep in my mom's basement and I had no sooner woken up when Chad sprinted down the last three steps and slugged me in the ribs. This incited a small riot which ended in us just getting winded and trying UFC holds making fools of ourselves. So my first challenge to The Creepers is that whoever reads this (or is it whomever?), I urge you to give Chad a nice friendly jab in the ribs. Nothing too painful, but something that says "To Chad with love". To sweeten the deal, if you record it and send me the video, I'll post it on here along with a picture of you holding the first t-shirt. Nothing personal Chad, just thought it would be a fun little game. I'm sure you'll knock the wind out of me sooner or later and we'll be even.

To the dozens (and dozens) of Creepers out there, this post was short and sweet but we'll have another one coming up shortly.Until next time.

Your favorite,

Just because I'm a Knicks fan (and I supported the Landry Fields draft pick)

As per request - www.damnautocorrect.com (Thanks Jayme)

Did you know The Rock came back to WWE tonight? Good thing I woke up when I did - enjoy.

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