
Sometimes we just say things. But because that name was taken, now we have this site to tie us over and explain our thoughts without interruption. Enjoy...or don't I suppose.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bucket List

Bucket lists have been the recent topic at my workplace and everyone seems to have an actual list. Whether it is literally a list on paper or just a list in their minds. I honestly haven't really thought about it until this past week so I figure I might as well put some ideas down. This is my bucket list....so far:

-Smash a car windshield (any means necessary)
-Make a song using some type of music program
-Get in a fight
-Get in a fight....and win
-Be hit by a taser
-Go to a dubstep concert
-Have someone pepper spray/mace me
-Tell someone exactly what I think of them
-Be kicked out of somewhere
-Be shot while wearing a bullet-proof vest

Thats all I got at the moment and if I take care of any of these things I'll be sure to update them.

-In Chad We Trust

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Your New Nightmare

I don't know if this would technically count as a nightmare, but if you know me and my occasional attempt at being responsible with my money, then yes this is a nightmare. In my dream I am recording my last purchase into my checkbook and feeling good at where my finances are at. I then open a banking statement sent to me from my bank only to realize I only have $140 left in my account, not the number I had just recorded. Someone has stolen my card number and is buying things left and right! Now here's where it gets a little odd; my bank statement reads nothing but various lap dances from different strip clubs. My statement looked like the following:

Topless Lap Dance -----  $$$
Topless Lap Dance -----  $$$
Nude Lap Dance   ----     $$$
Clothed Lap Dance ----   $$$
Topless Lap Dance ----   $$$

So naturally I wake up and immediately check my bank statement and everything is as it should be. Wheeew....I was glad I had more than $140 in my account.....wait...can you buy lap dances with a debit card?

-In Chad We Trust

What Would You Do Day?

What Would You Do Day?

I’m bored. Truly bored and that’s when my creativity starts flowing like 50 Tyson (back to back 50 Tyson digs – are you crazy? No sir, I’m just spreading the word about this*gifted* rapper. And yes, I chose gifted as his adjective for obvious double entendre meanings.). It’s also raining which means most people’s productivity is zero, however, mine is at an all-time high level. Do you remember that Hillary Duff song about the rain? That’s what rain makes me think of. As if this wasn’t enough to get the creative juices flowing, today is Wednesday, September 15th. This means this hump day falls directly in the middle of the month. So, peak humpitivity will be at noon today. Mind blowing I know, right? Crazy stuff just might happen at noon if you’re lucky. I have high hopes for each and every one of you. I will be at work thinking about you – wait…that sounded wrong. If I had one goal for 2011, it would be to get lucky on June 15th, 2011 at exactly noon. Yes, that date is really happening – directly in the middle of the year. I can’t even tell you how excited I am. I will be calling in sick that day and counting down the minutes until noon. Maybe, just maybe the stars will align and all 6 of you that read this will be at home making it rain. That would call for a massive high five or a self high five if you’re alone on that day. Sorry folks, a supreme hump day like today has gotten to me.

In other completely unrelated news, I’ve dubbed today “What Would You Do Day?” I will pose questions to myself that place myself into current events and will logically talk myself through said events. That was three “myselfs” in that past sentence and I don’t regret any of them. We’re going to bang this out press conference style (sorry, like I said, it’s gotten to me) so here we go…

Cody, what would you do if you were Reggie Bush? Would you give the trophy back?
I would get up on a podium with a black suit, black shirt – unbuttoned, and the darkest of dark sunglasses tap the microphone and say “Hey yo. The trophy is mine. I am the greatest and you posers can just back up out my grill. If you want the trophy, you can pry it from my cold, dead hands. If you want to try and take it, I’ll meet you down there (ominous point to the right). Down where you ask? Down here (insert massive crotch chop). Peace.” Then walk off stage and never say a word to the press again. And by again, I mean 10 years later when I have a sit down interview with Oprah where I weep openly about how I’m a changed man and that I would give it back if given the opportunity again. I would also have my mother on stage so I could hug her and look like a decent guy, but still would not give back the trophy.

Cody, if you were LeBron James what would you have done?
I would have had my TV show, “The Decision” from an undisclosed location somewhere underground or in a boiler room. Jim Gray would ask me, “So LeBron, what’s your decision?” and I would stand up, saying nothing of course, and tear off my nice Eddie Bauer button-up revealing a Miami Heat jersey. Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh would then come from off-screen emphatically jumping around and high fiving each other when slowly I start giving the Dikembe Mutombo finger wave and then rip off the Miami jersey only to reveal a Cleveland Cavalier jersey. Everyone would be getting clotheslines and it would end up with me putting Wade in the Scorpion Death Lock (which we all know as the sharpshooter). Jim Gray would then be joined by Tony Shiavone and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan for post-conference analysis. Next question.

If you were Gary, how would you fix your relationship with Amber?
Simple. I would hit myself in the head with a hammer. Too violent? Fine, I would get a job a treat my future wife with respect and courtesy? Too simple? Fine, I would leave Amber because I wouldn’t be good enough for her (even though she is crazy) and be a positive influence in my daughter’s life while playing a prominent role. Too logical? Fine, then I would keep being a giant phallic and change nothing so I could land myself a spinoff series on MTV called “The Life of Gary” where I would give all access view to my life in which I would eat Cheetos from under the couch or from under my man boob (moob, if you will) and play Halo. I would never wear a shirt to increase ratings.

What would you do if you were in charge of the TV show, The Office, regarding the departure of Steve Carell?
End the series. Did you see that half-assed version of Scrubs when they brought it back? You can’t have The Office without Michael Scott just like you can’t have your cake and eat it too. What? You mean that you can have cake and eat it and that phrase makes absolutely no sense? Oh good, then NBC executives will bring back The Office next year without Steve Carell. Oh, wait…crap….

Cody, If you were the Situation or Paulie-D, would you do anything differently?
1.       I would get tested and then get tested again. After that, I would smush
2.       I would stop calling making-out ‘hooking up’ and instead call it ‘making-out’
3.       I would most definitely fist pump on Dancing with the Stars
4.       If I was Paulie, I would grow a pompadour at some point in my life and embrace the hair style like nobody’s business

Cody, what would you do if you got caught blogging while you were at work?
Well first…oh crap, I’m at work. Well folks, the creative juices are flowing but so is the workload. Hopefully noon finds you all very well. I will be sitting here at work, unless they caught me blogging…

Your favorite,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Your Day Ends Now

I want you to look real hard at this picture. If you're at work: clock out. If at school: walk right out of class. At any event, appointment, occasion: go ahead and leave. My point is this is the coolest thing you will see all day so you might as well end your day now.

In case you don't know what this is, (shame on you), this is a cosplay of the original Megazord from the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Apparently there is a convention called the Power Morphicon that is all thing Power Rangers and the 90's kid inside of me is pissed I didn't know about this sooner. Feel free to check out other photos here, as well as make reservations to attend next year.

-In Chad We Trust

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Miss Tight Pants and What She Was Hiding

So in the past few days in all the conversations I have had I have noticed a few things about myself:
1. I quote Teen Mom far too often (Maci: I mean like, do you think we're compatible? Kyle: Pretty, a lot)
2. I can relate real life happenings to the old plots of WCW story lines
3. I can't stop singing this song. I think I've got a nice, shall we say 'obsession' with The Gambler.
4. Somewhere near the middle of someone else's sentence, I completely tune out and think of what I wish they would be saying.

Now I know you're asking yourself, "Cody, why are you starting off your blog this way? What does this have to do with anything?" those are very good questions but I think all it really says is that I am a simple man with simple needs. Those needs are bacon, Nebraska football, hoodies, video games, professional wrestling (circa 1990-2005), naked women, movie quotes, bacon, stimulating conversation, and bacon. That's it - everything else is just gravy. I have just provided you with a window into my soul. A very cholesterol laden, delicious soul. Out of everything that was listed, one item sticks out more than the other - stimulating conversation, of course. This past weekend, while watching Nebraska football at a Minsky's and doin' work on their Prime Cut pizza, (notice that I was able to successfully mesh bacon, Nebraska football, and a third interest to be named) I found myself in the middle of a stimulating conversation (boom, there it is). A conversation that directly involved pubic hair. Do I have your attention now? No? Well, then how about this? I met up with my mom, Karen, and step dad, Rick, to enjoy the game and pizza involving bacon. Unbeknownst to me, my mother had invited her hot, cougar police woman neighbor friend. I've seen a few adult feature films in my day, and there was always a scene involving an officer of the law and a bystander looking to get out of trouble by any means necessary. And by any means necessary, I mean by using their bodies as a form of bribery involving adult situations including, but not limited to consensual relations if you catch my drift. I digress. The said hot, cougar police woman neighbor friend had also invited a friend. I couldn't put my finger on it on who she was but she looked familiar, and I usually don't have that feeling with women in their mid 40's. We will call her Miss Tight Pants for short and to protect her identity.

Well, the beer started to flow like wine while the touchdowns started to flow like 50 Tyson when the conversation switched to the dreaded "things my child in their mid-twenties has taught me that's inappropriate" topic where parents, in front of their child in their mid-twenties will discuss with their fellow parent friends what their child had taught them that was previously unknown, often times it is an inappropriate subject. The conversation was solely focused on my mother and Miss Tight Pants when Miss TP (for short) dropped the bomb "my son, Ed, was telling my how guys just shave everything nowadays. I guess that's a new thing?". Right then I knew several things:
1. I went to elementary school with a kid named Ed. His mom worked at the school and we always teased Ed for saying his mom was hot. I am sitting at the table with Ed's mom. This woman is familiar because I went to grade school with Ed.
2. Ed was sent to the Principal's office for sticking a pencil into the overhead projector when he didn't want to correct math problems in front of the class. The projector broke but it was the ultimate "I'm not participating moment".
3. My mother was going to throw me into the mix of the story. I had recently had hernia surgery and my mother had found out that 'guys shave everything nowadays' through me. Like I said we come from an interesting family that has interesting conversation topics.
4. Miss TP was going to ask me about my 'stylings' because Miss TP was new to the styling game.

The above predictions all came true (#2 thrown in there because it made me laugh when I realized Ed was her son) and as I was explaining my reasoning for 'why I make a conscientious effort to make myself look like I'm 8 again' she drops this ruby - "I mean back then we just never worried about that. We just, it was made to be that way. Now it's a whole new ballgame and you just have to keep up I guess". Then it happened. "I know, right?!" came the response from the other side of the table where my mother was sitting.I slowly turned my head not wanting to see my mother on the face of that statement but, too late - my mother agreed with the statement and used a common sorority girl phrase that's mostly used after one too many Smirnoff Ices. She had brought together two unlike things (sorority girls and mid-40 year old's trimming habits) and mashed them together in a train wreck.

Now, let me also tell you this, Ed's mom is a single mother of 4. She goes out and parties (as exhibited by the tight pants). She also just recently started to take care of her area with modern clipping tools. It was about this time she had checked her watch and decided it was time to head out with the hot, cougar police woman neighbor friend. I made eye contact with my mother shortly after Miss Tight Pants had left and I had to look away. I know more about that generation's pubic hair from a few stimulating conversations than what I ever should know. Maybe next time, I'll just watch the game by myself...

Your favorite,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Highly Doubt That

Before I begin, I should state there's been a slight change in the formula. I saw what my brother was doing so now I have jumped on board.

There is a time and a place to stand out, be yourself, and be defiant. This is not one of those times. So I was in the computer lab of the local community college alternating between doing actual schoolwork and getting distracted by Wikipedia, when I hear a woman behind me answer her cell phone. Normally this wouldn't bother me, except for the fact that there are numerous "Please do not talk on cell phones" posters all around the room. Problem number two is that she is talking in a slightly louder than normal volume on the phone with me sitting right behind her. While trying to block her out I eventually hear this woman say, "Well if I was white I know they would've bought my book back!" WTF?

Let's be honest, thats a ballsy move. While I really wanted to be mad as this woman, (she IS on the phone when signs politely ask her not to be) I really did feel for her. Afterall, the college didn't buy one of my books back but they just straight up told me it was because I'm white.

-In Chad We Trust